간호학과 공부자료32 Left & Right-sided Heart Failure Etiology of Left-sided CHF · Left ventricular failure can result from: 1) Volume overload: Occurs with regurgitant mitral or aortic valves, and high-output states such as anemia & hyperthyroidism 2) Pressure overload: occurs with hypertension & aortic stenosis 3) Loss of muscle mass: examples include left ventricular MI & inflammatory diseases like lupus 4) Loss of contractility: Can occur as a .. 2020. 11. 21. Short Summary. laxatives Category of Laxatives Bulk-forming Emollient Osmotic Saline Stimulants Bulk-forming high fibers absorbs water to increase the bulk flow distends bowel to initiate reflex bowel activity psyllium Methylcellulose Emollient lowers surface tension - promotes more water in the stool docusate salts Osmotic draw water into the intestinal lumen causes the fecal matter to swell which stimulates peristalsi.. 2020. 11. 20. Short Summary - Antihypertensive drugs Antihypertensive drugs (A-B-C-D) Ace inhibitor: - pril (Linopril) Decrease BP A: Angioedema C: cough E: electrolyte imbalance (hyponatremia, hyperkalemia) ARBs: -artan (losartan) - Decrease BP Beta-blocker -lol (atenolol) Decrease HR Blocks beats Cautions(4Bs): Brady cardia, Bottomed out BP, Breathing problem – COPD, Blood sugar masking (diabetes) – hypoglycemic (closely monitor sugar) Calcium C.. 2020. 11. 19. 간호학과 공부할 때 도움이 되는 웹사이트 1. 유료: 인강 & 모든 Nursing 자료들이 다 들어가 있다. 유료이지만, 유료로 써도 돈이 아깝지 않음. simplenursing.com/ The Most Trusted Resource for Nursing Students » SimpleNursing.com The book was TOO MUCH to read and legit understand, and my grades were showing it! Because of these videos my classmates showed me, my grades went from 74% to 85%+! They really do help you understand and break things down for you. If you haven’t wat.. 2020. 11. 19. 이전 1 ··· 4 5 6 7 8 다음 반응형