영어10 영화 인턴 The Intern 스트립트 2023. 10. 24. The Good Doctor Season 1 Ep1 스크립트 Good Doctor Script 1 Boy: Mister? Mister? Woman: Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to San Jose International Airport. Look out! Watch out! Help! patient’s mom- Adam?! - Oh, my God! Adam?! Somebody call 911! Oh, my God! Doctor: I'm a doctor, let me take a look. Let me take a look. His jugular vein's been cut. Does anyone have a clean cloth? Please. Someone! Patient’s mom: I have a fresh change of clo.. 2023. 10. 24. Globalization, Neoliberal Reforms and Inequality civil society 시민사회 (시민의 이익과 의지를 나타내는 비정부기구 및 기관의 집합체) The wide array of nongovernmental and not-for-profit organizations have a presence in public life, expressing the interests and values of their members or others, based on ethical, cultural, political, scientific, religious or philanthropic considerations. conflictual 갈등 characterized by conflict or disagreement. multilateral organization mul.. 2022. 9. 29. Businesss Phrases 02 To corner the market: to dominate the market Get in on the ground floor: make a lot of money because you invested early. Think outside of the box Touch base (i am touching base with you ~~~ meaning I just want to update you) Downsizing (when the company is firing a lot of people) let go - fire Get/have one’s foot in the door To be on the same page I agree with you on this My hands are tied Okay .. 2022. 8. 1. 이전 1 2 3 다음 반응형