영어/Phrasal Verbs5 Phrasal verbs 05 Look into (sth): to investigate something That’s odd, I will look into it and report back after lunch. Look over (sth) to examine something (usually quickly). I will look over the report tonight and let you know if I want to add anything. Look through (sth) to examine something I can spend hours looking through recipes getting inspiration for dinner each night. Come up: to be mentioned or talked.. 2022. 7. 30. Phrasal Verbs 04 Look around (Look round) Before I book the venue, I’d like to come look around if that’s okay? (to) look out: to be careful Look out! You are about to knock that glass off the bench! Look out for (so.) to take care of someone. My nephews are always looking out for each other at school. Look up: when we look something up usually we are trying to find out. If you don’t know a word. Look it up in t.. 2022. 7. 29. Phrasal Verbs 03 Look back on (sth): to think about the past I try to look back on the mistakes I made in the past and learn from them. Look after: to take care of someone I offered to look after my sister’s kids on Thursday night. Who’s going to look after your dog when you are away? Look down on (something): to have a low opinion of somebody. It’s really common for people who value university education to look.. 2022. 7. 28. Phrasal Verbs 02 Get through to: when you are trying to make someone understand what you are trying to say I am trying to get through but there is no answer. It’s difficult to get the message through to my team because we all work remotely. Talk over: (1) to discuss a problem or a plan. (2) to speak when someone else is speaking; to intentionally interrupt them. Needs an object: plan, issue, something I know you.. 2022. 7. 27. 이전 1 2 다음 반응형