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캐나다 간호학과 2학년 1학기 성적표 성적이 나왔다 간호학과 들어와서 처음 받아보는 올 A 개인적으로 공부를 더 열심히 할 수 있었다는 아쉬움이 많이 남고, 더 공부를 해야한다는 생각이 많이 들어서, 기분은 좋지만, 만족스럽지 않다. 2학년 2학기는 좀 더 열심히 해서 스스로 더 만족할 수 있고, 기특하다고 생각할 수 있는 결과를 받을 수 있으면 좋겠다. 2020. 12. 29.
Respiratory System: Atelectasis Atelectasis Collapse or incomplete expansion of a lung or a portion of a lung, leading to decreased gas exchange and hypoxia Can be caused by: airway obstruction compression of the lung â surfactant à difficulty expanding the lung When the alveoli do not have air, they collapse and shrivel up ~ natural recoil of lung tissue Ventilation and perfusion are affected à impaired oxygenation Signs and .. 2020. 12. 3.
Respiratory system: Aspiration Aspiration Aspiration: the passage of food, fluid, or other foreign material into the trachea or lungs Usually, the cough reflex removes material from the upper tract, and passage into the lower tract is prevented by the vocal cords and epiglottis Complete obstruction of the upper tract inhibits the ability to speak or cough; blockage of the trachea is life-threatening due to inadequate oxygenat.. 2020. 12. 3.
Surgery - pre operative care Surgery Art & science of treating disease, injuries, and deformities by operation & instrumentation. · Performed for - Diagnosis - Cure or repair - Palliation - Prevention - Exploration - Cosmetic improvement Surgical Settings · Inpatient : Same day admission · Ambulatory (outpatient) : less than 3 to 4 hrs in PACU · Regardless of type of surgical setting, client will have a preoperative assessm.. 2020. 12. 3.