Phrasal Verbs (구동사): an Idiomatic phrase consisting of a verb and another element, typically either an adverb, as in break down, or a preposition. 동사와 다른 한 두개의 단어로 이뤄진 구 입니다.
Bring up: to start discussing something
- There is something I want to bring up
- Let’s bring this up next team meeting.
Get across: often used with try (when you want to help someone understand something)
used with: a fact, feelings, an idea, meaning, a point, an idea, a point of view, a message.
- Am I getting the message across clearly?
- I am trying to get my point across but Paul keeps butting in
Jump in: interrupting (very informal)
- Do you mind if I jump in here?
- Do you mind if I interrupt?
Butt in: interrupting (very informal)
- I was speaking with Sue after she lost her job; then Jim butts in and starts talking about his new promotion
Blurt out: to say something you are not supposed to say.
- I am so sorry! I just blurted out
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