Respiratory system: Asthma
Asthma: Characterized by periodic episodes of severe but reversible bronchiole obstruction due to hyperresponsive airways.
Problem: occurs in upper airway - obstruction to the airflow of decrease alveolar ventilation.
1) Bronchoconstriction
2) Inflammation of bronchiole mucosa - Edema
3) Excess mucous production-clogs airway
Two Types:
1. Extrinsic Asthma (inflammatory)
Could by hypersensitivity to an inhaled allergen/antigen
Type 1 hypersensitivity reaction: response to specific allergies
More common in children: may or may not grow out of it
1) 1st exposure - Allergen ® production of antibody which binds to mast cells in respiratory mucosa (bronchi & bronchioles)
2) 2nd exposure – allergen binds to the antibody, triggers the release of chemical mediators (histamine & leukotrienes)
- Bronchoconstriction - lumen size of bronchi & bronchioles
- Inflammation - Edema
- Mucous production
Narrowed, obstructed airway: difficulty getting air in & out of lungs
Lungs are fine: expiration is more difficult than inspiration, due to narrowed airway.
Forced inspiration & expiration: Hyper inflated chest - Exhausted: use more muscle to breathe
household dust, dust mites, per dander (hair), pollens (trees, flowers, grass)
can be avoided by avoiding allergies:
No pets, stay indoors when pollen season, use air filters, No carpets: location for microorganism (fungi) colonization – increase species
- Bronchodilator: counteracts effects of chemical mediator of inflammation that cause bronchoconstriction ® relax smooth muscle (bronchodilation)
- Corticosteroid: Reduce inflammation
2. Intrinsic Asthma (bronchospasms)
Hyperresponsiveness to irritants by smooth muscle in bronchi & bronchiole - Not an allergy reaction
No inflammation
No release of histamine/leukotrienes
Rather as an excessive response by muscles that are irritated.
Irritants include: Cold air, Stress
Exposure to chemicals that are irritating
- Cigarette smoke: when breathed in, shuts down airways, it's not an allergic reaction
- Perfume
- Bronchodilator: relaxes smooth muscles b/c no inflammation – no corticosteroid (unless it persists & causes inflammation)
Asthma causes a sense of alarm in an individual b/c it's very difficult to breathe. Also, since expiration is much harder than inspiration, they end up with a hyperinflated chest ® ↑ sense of panic due to resistance of airflow in making you feel like you can not breathe.
Asthma manifestation & complications
During an asthmatic attack, the airways become narrowed d/t bronchodilation, edema, mucous plugs
Obstruction can be partial or complete:
Partial Obstruction
Obstruction interferes with expiration ® air trapping (air is partially expired) past the obstruction
Causes hyperinflation of the lungs
Residual volume ↑, inspiratory reserve capacity ¯ ® more energy required for breathing and involves accessory muscle to maintain ventilation & gas exchange
Complete or prolonged Obstruction
Results from mucous plugs that completely block airflow
- Atelectasis
- Ventilation & perfusion mismatch
- Hypoxemia and hyperinflation ® pulmonary hypertension
- Hypoxia & cyanosis
Asthma compromises air exchange: physical activity (difficult during an attack)
Physical S/S
- Mild attack: chest tightness, ↑ respiratory rate, prolonged expiration, mild wheezing, cough
- Severe attack: use of accessory muscles, distant breath sounds, long wheezing: fatigue, severe dyspnea, and labored speaking.
- Prolonged attack: respiratory failure: inaudible breath sounds, diminished wheezing, ineffective cough, cyanosis, and respiratory acidosis
Status Asthmaticus is severe, prolonged asthma that is unresponsive to treatment
may become fatal d/t severe hypoxia & acidosis ® cardiac arrhythmias and CNS depression
Impaired perception of dyspnea may prevent the patient from seeking medical attention
But both intrinsic & extrinsic asthma is referred to as acute asthma.
Repeated attacks of acute asthma cause irreversible damage – chronic asthma