The Good Doctor Season 1 Ep1 스크립트
Good Doctor Script 1
Boy: Mister? Mister?
Woman: Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to San Jose International Airport.
Look out! Watch out! Help!
patient’s mom- Adam?! - Oh, my God! Adam?! Somebody call 911! Oh, my God!
Doctor: I'm a doctor, let me take a look. Let me take a look. His jugular vein's been cut. Does anyone have a clean cloth? Please. Someone!
Patient’s mom: I have a fresh change of clothes in my bag.
Doctor: That's great.
Shaun Murphy: You're killing him.
Doctor: I'm saving his life. He was bleeding out.
Shaun Murphy No... You have it in the wrong place.
Doctor: I think I remember enough of Anatomy 101 to know where the jugular vein is. Shaun Murphy: You would be in the right place if he were an adult. He's not an adult. He is a boy. Which means you're also putting pressure on his trachea. Which means he's not currently breathing. You have to put the pressure higher up. There, Some glass. He'll be fine.
Doctor: Who are you?
Shaun Murphy: Hello. I'm Dr. Shaun Murphy. I'm a surgical resident at San Jose St. Bonaventure Hospital.
Marcus Andrews: Autism... a mental condition characterized by difficulty in communicating and using language and abstract concepts. That's the definition. Does it sound like I'm describing a surgeon?
Aaron Glassman: He's not Rain Man. He's high functioning, he's capable of living on his own,
capable of managing his own affairs.
Marcus Andrews: "High functioning"? Is that our new hiring standard?
Aaron Glassman: If it were, you wouldn't be here. I'm sorry. Is this really necessary? Really? A special meeting of the Board of Directors... as much as I love you all... questioning one of my hiring decisions? Did you bother to look up the definition of "President" while you were skimming the dictionary?
Marcus Andrews: You're hiring him to be a surgical department... over my objections.
Allegra Aoki: Marcus, stop making everything so personal.
Marcus Andrews: I made it personal?
Allegra Aoki: You've wanted his job since day one. Everyone in this room knows that.
And, Aaron, yes, this is your hospital. But the money it takes to run it comes from the Foundation I control. So, let's all play nice, shall we? Stop acting like you're stunned that you're standing there. You tried to slip one past us.
Aaron Glassman: I vetted him like I would any other candidate.
Allegra Aoki: And you genuinely thought that this Board wouldn't reasonably have any doubts about hiring a surgeon who's been diagnosed with autism? So, justify your decision.
Aaron Glassman: I met Shaun Murphy when he was 14 years old. I was living in Wyoming at the time. He was, and he still is, an extraordinary young man. Yes, he has autism, but he also has savant syndrome...genius-level skills in several areas. He has almost perfect recall. He has spatial intelligence. And he sees things and analyzes things in waysthat... that are just remarkable. In ways that we can't even begin to understand.Those are assets. Undeniable assets for any doctor, particularly a surgeon.
Marcus: You've known him since he was 14? You care about him. He's like a son to you.
Jessica Preston: Dr. Andrews, your wife is gonna be very upset with you. If you're trying to turn this into a nepotism case, we're gonna have to fire her idiot nephew from bookkeeping.
Jared Kalu: Hey!
Staff: Sorry. You seen Claire?
Jared Kalu: Would you turn off the light?
Staff: Sure. You seen Claire?
Jared Kalu: Why? Would you turn off the light?
Staff: Melendez wants to operate on 104, but Claire hasn't gotten informed consent. And she's ignoring her page. You seen her?
Jared Kalu: No. Now go away and turn off the light.
Staff: Sure.
Jared Kalu: They need you to, um...
Claire Browne: [Laughs] I heard.
Jared Kalu: Oh, she's such a bitch.
Claire Browne: No.She just doesn't like you.
Jared Kalu: It's kind of silly, isn't it?
Claire Browne: Um, maybe. To say for sure, I'd need to know what it is you're talking about.
Jared Kalu: Us.
Ah. Not silly at all. - Hmm. Quite a bit of fun, actually.
Jared Kalu: I meant that we're hiding it. Our relationship.Hmm. Well...
Claire Browne: Jared, we don't have a relationship. We have sex. But, if you want to tell people that you're screwing me, go for it.
Shaun Murphy: The veins in the boy's left arm are popping.
Doctor: - Is that bad? - I-I don't see.
Shaun Murphy: Intrathoracic pressure.
Doctor: No, his chest is rising. He's breathing.
Shaun Murphy: No, the... the chest is moving paradoxically. The left lung is in distress. Yes. Who here has a sharp knife, blade five inches or longer? Nobody? You should start artificial respiration. He's going to stop breathing very soon.
Patient: I feel fine.
Claire Browne: Dr. Melendez would like to do the surgery today. You need bypass surgery quite urgently. Would you please sign the consent?
Patient: No.
Claire Browne: You're scared.
Patient: I-I'm not scared.
Claire Browne: Well, you should be. We're gonna cut your chest open, we're gonna stop your heart, repair it and restart it. Are you seriously telling me that that doesn't scare you?
Patient: I just want a second opinion.
Claire Browne: Callum, yesterday, your life was perfect. You were playing tennis, you had a big anniversary. Today, you're lying in a hospital bed trying to figure out the best way to say goodbye, maybe forever, to your teenage children.
Patient: Why are you doing this?
Claire Browne: Because I can't deal with lies. If you lie to me, my answers won't help you. But, if you're scared, I can help you.
Patient: I'm scared.
Claire Browne: Okay.
Guard: You can't be back here.
Shaun Murphy Oh, I need a knife. Where do you keep the knives people forget they're traveling with?
Guard: A knife? Sure. Anything else?
Shaun Murphy: I do also need a narrow six-foot tube and high-proof alcohol and gloves and baggage-handling tape, but I am going to get the alcohol from the duty-free store and the tube from the back of a soda machine.
Guard: Well, I wish you all the luck with that. But I'm not gonna give you a knife.
Shaun Murphy: No, I need a knife. It-It's... It's very...There is a medical emergency. There's a medical emergency. That one. That one, right near the top, looks very sharp. Would you get it for me?
Guard: No, I'm not gonna give you a knife.
Shaun Murphy - I'll ask... - There's not the time.
Guard: Weapon! Weapon! Move! Get out of the way! Drop it. You idiot! You're lucky we didn't just shoot.
Patient’s Mom: No! He's trying to save my son's life.
Neli Melendez: You get that consent on 104?
Claire: Well, I made him a deal. He's got a meeting with Dr. Max from psychiatry at 6:00, we'll get the consent by 8:00, we can operate first thing in the morning.
Neli Melendez:: You did pass anatomy, right, Dr. Browne? His problems in his heart, not his head.
Claire Browne: He's not psychologically ready for surgery. He will be. Soon.
Neli Melendez:: Well, he is physically ready. So, get the consent. We're prepping O.R. 6 now.
Claire Browne: Do I need to cite you the 17 studies that show a correlation between attitude and outcome in surgical patients?
Neli Melendez:: Do I need to remind you that I am your superior? You do know what the opposite of superior is, right?
Claire Browne: Subordinate. Doesn't...
Neli Melendez:: Sure. Subordinate. Or... inferior. - Either way.
Claire Browne: It doesn't mean I'm wrong.
Neli Melendez:: I suppose not. But it does mean you have to act like you're wrong.
Claire Browne: He's panic stricken. Yesterday, he was young and healthy. Today, he's mortal. Just give him a chance to wrap his head around that.
Neli Melendez:: Dr. Kalu? Do you think you can get me a signed informed consent on 104?
Jared Kalu Of course. - Thank you.
Claire Browne: You think he's right?
Jared Kalu I think he’s, my boss. And if I have to choose between my boss and...the woman I'm screwing, not much of a choice, am I right?
Shaun Murphy: Excuse me. Excuse me, please? The incision should take place two ribs down.
Doctor: Okay, well, why the bottle?
Shaun Murphy: The air will continue to leak and accumulate until the damage can be properly repaired. The tube allows the air to get out. The water in the bottle stops the air from coming back in. A homemade one-way valve. He's breathing.
Doctor: You saved his life. He saved his life!
Aaron Glassman: Shaun, where are you? I-I... Call me as soon as you can, please. Jessica Preston: That was a mistake. - I agree, 'cause it's not about the new doctor, this is about you. They're baiting you. And you're letting them.
Aaron Glassman Maybe.
Jessica Preston: Maybe what? What mistake are you talking about?
Aaron Glassman Your shot at Andrews' nephew.
Jessica Preston: Oh, come on. It was funny. It was very funny.
Aaron Glassman It was also disrespectful.
Jessica Preston: Well, you don't show him respect.
Aaron Glassman I assume it's because you don't respect him. You show someone respect because you respect them, or because you're afraid of them.
I don't fit into either category.
Jessica Preston: Well, neither do I.
Aaron Glassman You should. You're only in that room because your grandfather founded this hospital.
Jessica Preston: I'm gonna pretend that this conversation didn't take this tangent, and instead focus on something relevant... the debate you are losing. Here's how you win this. You don't make it personal. You do not make it about you. That is what they want, and if you give it to them, you will lose.
Shaun Murphy I need to get to San Jose St. Bonaventure Hospital.
Paramedic: That's where we're going.
Shaun Murphy Good.
Shaun’s dad: How hard can it be to just act like a normal human being?!
Shaun’s mom: He doesn't know how.
Shaun’s dad: What are we supposed to do now? Huh? This is the third school he's been thrown out of.
Shaun’s mom: We'll find another school.
Shaun’s dad: No, we won't, 'cause nothing's gonna change They can't handle him, and I don't blame them, 'cause obviously, we can't handle him, either. What the hell happened this time? What happened?!
Shaun’s mom: You're hurting him.
Shaun’s dad: What did you do?! Shaun! Will you stop petting that stupid rabbit?!
Shaun Murphy: It changed. The boy's ECG changed.
Paramedic: It's the same... 86 BPM.
Shaun Murphy: No. It used to be higher. No, it used to be 86.
Paramedic: It's still 86.
Shaun Murphy: It used to come up to here. Lower amplitude means lower voltage.
Lower amplitude means lower voltage.
Patient’s mom: What's going on? What does it mean?
Paramedic: It means he's trying to read 20-year-old equipment. while traveling in a vehicle going 40 miles an hour.
Claire Browne: How did you get him to sign?
Jared Kalu I simply told him it was either consenting or going home, then I gave him two forms and told him to pick one.
Neli Melendez: And you highlighted the Release Against Medical Advice form that mentions the "possibility of death or permanent disability"? Well done. Hand me the Metz and a pick-up. I'm isolating the descending aorta.
Sarah: Vascular clamp.
Claire Browne: What is that? Under the left atrium...something white. Is that part of the lung?
Neli Melendez: It's pus. Did he have TB?
Claire Browne: No, he doesn't have any...No, not currently. Does he have a history...
Jared Kalu When he was younger, he was exposed to...
Neli Melendez: This is an abscess. It's gonna bur...
Jared Kalu Suction and a lap sponge. His BP's crashing. Two liters saline wide open.
Neli Melendez: Set up the level one. Two units packed cells now. Get Levophed on board and keep that MAP at 60. Get in there with the suction. I can't see a damn thing.
Sara: Suction.
Neli Melendez: I hope it isn't too upsetting to him when he hears he would have died in his room if we'd waited until tomorrow.
Nurse: Dr. Melendez, we've got an incoming 8-year-old male, pneumothorax stabilized, but undetermined internal injuries. Who do you want to catch?
Neli Melendez: Claire, I don't think we need you. This patient is gonna be fine... now.
Paramedic: 8-year-old healthy boy, status post encounter with a shattered glass sign.
Numerous lacerations.
Shaun Murphy: Echo...
Claire Browne: Get him set up in Trauma 3 with an EKG, full blood work and a pan-scan.
Shaun Murphy: We need an echo... echocardiogram.
Claire Browne: Who is this guy? - He helped with first aid at the airport.
Shaun Murphy: I'm the doctor. He needs an echocardiogram. Where are you taking him? - To surgery.
Claire Browne: All cardiac vital signs are within normal range. - Do you have any I.D.?
Shaun Murphy: No. His... His heart. It's his heart.
Claire Browne: His heart is fine. Now stay here.
Shaun Murphy: Adam needs an echocardiogram.
Claire Browne: No. Behave yourself. Or you'll be removed from the building.
Neli Melendez: What's that?
Claire Browne: A one-way valve. And he reports the boy suffered a pneumothorax.
Neli Melendez: That is cool.
Claire Browne: Do you think we should do an echocardiogram?
Neli Melendez: Based on the presenting symptoms, which give no indication that an echocardiogram is necessary, I'm going to answer no. Am I missing something?
Claire Browne:No, sir.
Neli Melendez: Knife.
Aaron Glassman: We don't normally treat rabbits, especially...
Steve Murphy: This was the closest doctor place, and it was an emergency.
Aaron Glassman: No, I can see that. But even if I was a vet, the rabbit... is dead. I'm sorry, guys.
Shaun Murphy: Everything smells different when it rains. What do we do now?
Aaron Glassman: Well, you should bury him, I guess. I don't know, give him a... a nice funeral.
Shaun Murphy: Has he gone to heaven?
Aaron Glassman: Yeah, sure. Uh, sure... sure, he has. Um...
Shaun Murphy: No, I don't want him to go to heaven! I want him to be here!
Steve Murphy: This won't happen again.
Shaun Murphy: It can't happen again. He's dead.
I know that.
Steve Murphy: I mean, nothing like this is ever going to happen to us, ever again. Because we're not going home. We're never going home again. We have each other, and that's all we need.
Marcus Andrews: A surgeon needs to communicate... not just information, but sympathy, empathy. Can Dr. Murphy do that? He can't even reliably show up for a job interview. Are you gonna sit here and tell us that there were no other equally-qualified young surgeons...surgeons without this one's... issues?
Aaron Glassman No. Which is why... exactly why... we should hire Shaun. We should hire him because he is qualified and because he is different. How long ago was it that we wouldn't hire black doctors in this hospital? How m... How long ago was it that we wouldn't hire female doctors at this hospital?
Marcus Andrews: So, you're comparing being African American or a woman with being autistic. Please, go on...
Aaron Glassman Okay. The rationalization is exactly the same. Words like "temperament" and, "Oh, no! Ohh! How are the patients going to react?" Aren't we judged by how we treat people? I don't mean as doctors. I mean as people.
Especially those who... who don't have the same advantages that we have.
We hire Shaun, and we give hope to those people with limitations that those limitations are not what they think they are, that they do have a shot!
We hire Shaun, and we make this hospital better for it. We hire Shaun, and we are better people for it.
Marcus Andrews: We'd be "better people," spending a lot more on malpractice insurance.
Neli Melendez: How old is this kid again?
Jared Kalu 8
Neli Melendez: Sponge stick. What was his heart rate five minutes ago?
Jared Kalu Uh, 86.
Neli Melendez: You sure?
Jared Kalu Certain. He's been a rock. It's barely changed.
Neli Melendez: No, something's changed. Something's different. You asked earlier about an echo. You had no medical reason, but you asked anyway. Why?
Claire Browne There was this weird guy, the one that did the one-way valve, he kept insisting that the boy needed an echocardiogram.
Neli Melendez: He didn't say why?
Claire Browne H-He was really weird.
Nurse: His blood pressure's dropping. That makes no sense. He's not bleeding anymore. Everything's under control.
Neli Melendez: Do an echo.
Jared Kalu Sir, the boy is wide open. It's gonna take awhile.
Neli Melendez: Good. That'll give me time to figure out why the hell we're doing an echo. Dr. Browne, you're with me. We're gonna go find your weird guy. Keep him stable.
Neli Melendez: Why the echo?
Shaun Murphy: Uh, okay. He, uh... He... Okay. Uh, he... Uh, I, uh... He...
Claire Browne Okay. I understand you think he needs an echocardiogram. We just don't know why.
Shaun Murphy: Well, I-I noticed that there was a slight reduction in the intensity of the electrocardiogram.
Neli Melendez: The electrical flow... I noticed that, too. The heart rate was the same, but the amplitude dropped.
Shaun Murphy: Pericardial effusion.
Neli Melendez: Reduced cardiac output.
Shaun Murphy: Would stress other organs.
Neli Melendez: Causing them to shut down.
Shaun Murphy: Yes.
Neli Melendez: Yeah, we're coming right back up... Thank you. They did the echo. It's normal. No pericardial effusion.
Shaun Murphy: No. It has to be. There... There is no other explanation.
Neli Melendez: The echo is normal, which means we just wasted our time.
Shaun Murphy: N-No.
Claire Browne Okay, um, hey, come with me. Come on.
Neli Melendez: Show them.
Shaun Murphy: Again. Again. Again. There.
Jared Kalu Looks normal to me.
Shaun Murphy: It's not normal. There's a concave deformity in the right atrium.
Jared Kalu Um, no, there's not.
Shaun Murphy: Yeah. Yes, there is. It's very subtle.
Neli Melendez: Even if you are right, that's not where a pericardial effusion manifests.
Claire Browne Not usually. But it... it could. This kid was sprayed with glass shards... cut his jugular. What if a piece of glass entered his blood stream? It could have traveled down the jugular vein, into the brachiocephalic vein and on to the superior vena cava. If it punctured the SVC, blood could be leaking behind the heart, restricting the heart's ability to expand and fill during diastole, reducing the heart's efficiency.
Jared Kalu Lot of ifs there.
Neli Melendez: Chen, pair of 14-gauge on a syringe.
Allegra Aoki: All in favor of ratifying Dr. Glassman's decision in hiring Dr. Shaun Murphy? All against.
Staff: Excuse me.
Allegra Aoki: Is this a medical emergency?
Staff: No. No medical emergency...
Allegra Aoki: Then you weren't supposed to interrupt...
Staff: Yes, I know, but you need to go online.
Allegra Aoki: What? What site?
Staff: Pretty much any of them...Twitter, YouTube, any local news site.
Staff: The YouTube clip already has over 200,000 views. Apparently, he's one of our doctors.
Allegra Aoki: Dr. Shaun Murphy saved this boy?
Staff: The boy is in O.R. 2. Dr. Melendez isn't sure if he's going to make it.
Aaron Glassman Your fiancé sure can handle a knife.
Jessica Preston: Why did you warn me about respecting Dr. Andrews? What's going on?
Aaron Glassman I'm not gonna always be here to protect you.
Jessica Preston: You think you're gonna lose?
Aaron Glassman Everybody loses... eventually.
Jessica Preston: Is that your guy?
Shaun Murphy: Can we get a TV?
Steve Murphy: No.
Shaun Murphy: Why not?
Steve Murphy: Because we're poor, dude. We live in a bus.
Shaun Murphy: Do you think Mom is looking for us?
Steve Murphy: Nope. She loves us, but she knows it's better this way.
Steve Murphy: I got you a present.
Shaun Murphy: It's not my birthday.
Steve Murphy: I got you a present anyway.Here.
Melendez: Dr. Browne... You were right.
Shaun Murphy: I don't like pickles.
Aaron Glassman I know.
Shaun Murphy: I don't want pickles.
Aaron Glassman And I checked. You saved that boy's life.
Shaun Murphy: Oh, good. His name is Adam. Traumatic pneumothorax. I'm hungry.
Aaron Glassman Board reconvenes in 45 minutes. Can you stay here until I get back?
Shaun Murphy: Okay.
Aaron Glassman Okay.
Neli Melendez: He's got a serious deficit.
Aaron Glassman: A child is alive today because of that deficit.
Neli Melendez: And tomorrow, one may be dead because of it.
Aaron Glassman: I seem to remember that when I hired you, you weren't exactly making the most adult decisions. You haven't killed anyone yet. Have you?
Neli Melendez: Well, thankfully, there's a cure for youth and stupidity... time and experience.
Aaron Glassman: There's a cure for stupidity? Okay. That would be a windfall.
All Shaun has is a diagnosis. I'd like your help. I take it I'm not gonna get it. Okay.
Neli Melendez: Wait. What's the story with this kid? Why is it so important to you?
Aaron Glassman: Why not?
Neli Melendez: Because letting things get personal is a sure formula for screwing things up.
Aaron Glassman: I don't know. Letting things get personal is how we... [sighs] we make it matter.
Neli Melendez: So, are you proud or disappointed?
Jessica Preston: Do I have to pick just one?
Claire Browne: Hey. You're new to town, right?
Shaun Murphy: Yes.
Claire Browne: Well, I'm sure you have a lot of questions.
Shaun Murphy: No.
Claire Browne: Uh... You got to be curious about the place, about the people.
Shaun Murphy: Dr. Glassman gave me a map of the hospital, and I got a map of San Jose online.
Claire Browne: Okay. Great.
Shaun Murphy: I do have one question.
Claire Browne: Yeah?
Shaun Murphy: Why were you rude to me when we first met, then nicer to me the second time we met, and now you want to be my friend? Which time was it that you were pretending?
Aaron Glassman: Shaun. We're ready.
Marcus Andrews The vote was clear. Why are we reopening this? Is it really because of a piece of publicity?
It's because the man just saved somebody's life.
Marcus Andrews And thank God for that, but it doesn't change a single thing we discussed.
Aaron Glassman: Give him six months. If he proves anything less than excellent...
Marcus Andrews Someone "less than excellent" means someone else dies.
Aaron Glassman: Well, I-I would love to make you happy, Doctor. I would love to hire someone who never, ever makes a mistake. Unfortunately, God already has a job. I can accept that he will have insights that none of the rest of us will have.
Can you accept that he will make mistakes none of the rest of us will make? You won't be the one who pays the price.
Aaron Glassman: If Shaun doesn't live up to everything, I know he can do, he will be immediately released. And I will resign my position as President of this hospital.
We haven't heard from Dr. Murphy yet. Perhaps we should hear from him before we decide his fate.
Aaron Glassman: Shaun...
Allegra Aoki: Dr. Murphy... I'd like you to tell us why you want to become a surgeon.
Shaun Murphy: Why do I want them to be my friends?
Steve Murphy: Everybody needs friends, Shaun. It's gonna be cool, okay? Play hide and seek maybe?
Shaun Murphy: Okay.
Steve Murphy: Tag in the warehouse?
Steve Murphy: Told ya it was fun, right? - Shh! Hey, you know what?
Shaun Murphy: The day that the rain smelled like ice cream, my bunny went to heaven in front of my eyes. The day that the copper pipes in the old building smelled like burnt food,
my brother... went to heaven in front of my eyes. I couldn't save them. It's sad.
Neither one had the chance to become an adult.
They should have become adults. They should have had children of their own
and loved those children. And I want to make that possible for other people.
And I want to make a lot of money. so that I can have a television.
Allegra Aoki: Dr. Murphy... I want to be the first to welcome you to San Jose St. Bonaventure Hospital.
Allegra Aoki: We're very proud to have you.
Aaron Glassman: Shaun, Dr. Melendez's team is going into surgery. I mean if you're interested.
Shaun Murphy: Suction.
Steve Murphy: Never forget, you're the smart one. You can do anything. And I'm proud of you, Shaun.
Melendez: Bet you've seen many of these. I remember my first. Kept thinking, "It doesn't get any better than this." And for you, I'm afraid, that's literally true.
You're a nice kid, and you're obviously very smart, but you don't belong here.
So, as long as you are part of my team, this is all you're ever going to be doing... suction.
Shaun Murphy: I saw a lot of surgeons in medical school. You're much better than them. I have a lot to learn from you. You're very arrogant. Do you think that helps you be a good surgeon? Does it hurt you as a person? Is it worth it?