Globalization, Neoliberal Reforms and Inequality
My name is Liz
2022. 9. 29. 06:05
civil society 시민사회 (시민의 이익과 의지를 나타내는 비정부기구 및 기관의 집합체)
The wide array of nongovernmental and not-for-profit organizations have a presence in public life, expressing the interests and values of their members or others, based on ethical, cultural, political, scientific, religious or philanthropic considerations.
conflictual 갈등
characterized by conflict or disagreement.
multilateral organization
multilateral organizations are formed by three or more countries that work together on issues of common interest and global priority.
sectoral 부문별
relating to a distinct part or area
relinquish 포기
voluntarily cease to keep or calm; give up.
disparities 격차
a noticeable and usually significant difference or dissimilarity.