영어/Phrasal Verbs
Phrasal Verbs 02
My name is Liz
2022. 7. 27. 16:05
Get through to: when you are trying to make someone understand what you are trying to say
- I am trying to get through but there is no answer.
- It’s difficult to get the message through to my team because we all work remotely.
Talk over: (1) to discuss a problem or a plan. (2) to speak when someone else is speaking; to intentionally interrupt them.
- Needs an object: plan, issue, something
- I know your upset; let’s talk it over tonight when you get home
- I don’t mean to talk over you, but we have already decided what to do.
Talk around: to convince or persuade someone to agree
- I didn’t want to go, but he succeeded in talking me around
Shut down: when you get rejected especially if your hopes are up.
- It was kind of awkward she just shut him down mid-sentence.
- My boss didn’t like the suggestion. He shut me down straight away.
Back up: to give support by telling other people you agree with something they said/did
- Thank you for backing me up during the meeting.