An introduction to Science
Science: way of knowing or understanding the universe.
Scientific Method
- Observation: Humans are very good at seeing patterns everywhere we look.
- Hypothesizing: A possible explanation for our observations. we must spell out exactly what kind of findings would prove our hypothesis to be incorrect.
- Testing: we must try very hard to disprove the hypothesis.
- Theorizing: A framework for how things can be viewed, & we do not accept until it has been very thoroughly tested & provides a powerful & far-reaching basis for understanding.
- Publish
Three Benefits of Publication
(1) Available to all: The methods & data must be available to all &, others may try to replicate the research.
(2) Peer-review: try to disprove Readers of the paper can decide for themselves whether the conclusions seem appropriate based on the results
(3) Applicable: Others may generate some further idea development. This allows for progress in science.
Characteristics of Science
- Material Universe: Only deals with the material universe (matter & energy) - Measurable, quantifiable. All explanations must be mechanistic in nature. Has to explain in terms of things changing in the material universe.
- Tentative: we can never know for sure whether we have absolute truth or knowledge.
- Probabilistic: understanding things in a statistically valid way. We expect results that contain variation d/t natures’ complexity, but variation must be within an acceptable range.
- Modelling: creating simplified models of aspects of the universe. E.g. flow chart, diagram, simple equation (Einstein’s equation for mass)
- Creativity: Science is a process that depends on a high level of creativity.
Science is a collective endeavor.
Each scientist must build on the accumulated understanding of those who came before & collaborate with scientists from many specialized disciplines.
Double-blind test: No one involved in the test knows who is getting the actual treatment & who is given placebo. Disclosed only alters assessment is complete to both administrator & recipient.
Note: A lot of people do not ACCEPT Science
1) Science does not know everything
2) Science is tentative (never 100% certain)
3) The idea of publishing – private funds does not allow publishing until its worth it.
Biology: In the case of life, the theoretical framework for this is evolution by natural selection. We understand the structure and function of biological systems in the present within an historical context. Lifeforms have changed over time in response to changes in their environment.
Inheritance: The transfer of biological information from generation to generation is understood within the framework of genetics, proteomics, epigenetics, developmental and molecular biology.
Charles Darwin: Founder of modern biology
Gregor Mendel: Founder of modern genetics
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